
Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

Membuat Template Blog 100 Seo Friendly

Selamat sore Agan dan Sista. Beberapa hari absen ngeblog dimari, kangen juga pengen menyapa Agan dan Sista semua disini :p . Kebetulan ada sedikit kesibukan baik itu kesibukan di dunia nyata dan juga kesibukan didunia maya, jadi baru sempet lagi nih buat postingan di Blog cekidot, Gan! 

Dipostingan kali ini, ane cuma sedikit aja share tentang membuat template blog 100% seo friendly. Sebelumnya ane pernah share dimari juga link download untuk software pembuat template blog, yaitu Artisteer 4 yang terbaru dan menyusul ane share juga Artisteer 3 buat Agan dan Sista yang punya spek kompi pas-pasan kayak punya ane ini :$ 

Disini ane kagak share tentang step by step cara membuat membuat blog, melainkan kepengen share sama Agan dan Sista yang berniat kepengen punya template blog karya sendiri dan template tersebut 100% seo friendly. Untuk membuat template blog ini, Agan dan Sista kagak perlu punya pengetahuan banyak tentang html, css atau javascript, tapi cukup dengan menggunakan bantuan software Artisteer yang udah ane share sebelumnya.

Ane sendiri udah beberapa kali membuat template blog dengan Artisteer ini untuk memenuhi pesanan pembuatan template blog dari klien. Dan terbukti hampir 97% template yang dibuat dengan artisteer rata-rata punya Seo Score 100%. Salah satu buktinya adalah template yang baru tadi pagi ane buat untuk memenuhi pesanan teman. Teman ane minta dibuatin template yang sederhana aja dan gak usah terlalu rame. Akhirnya ane buatin deh dengan software Artisteer v.3

Setelah jadi, ane cek Seo Score dari template blog usaha temen ane yang beralamat di di salah situs pengecek template yang udah pasti Agan dan Sista mengenalnya dan sangat populer yaitu,

Dan inilah hasil dari pengecekan Seo Score untuk template sederhana Tanaka Translation yang baru ane buat tadi pagi.

Keren kan, Gan? :~

Makanya, buat Agan dan Sista yang kepengen bikin template sendiri, pake aje software Artisteer yang bisa Agan dan Sista download di mari nih.

(buat yang punya spek kompi tinggi. minimal intel i3)

(buat yang punya spek kompi pas-pasan kaya punya ane)

Semoga bermanfaat lagi _____:d

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Senin, 29 Juli 2013

Koleksi Film Youtube Full Movie

Salam Sobat.......
Setelah lelah mengerjakan rutinan sehari pengen hiburan,,, mau lihat bioskop masih tanggal tua,, yah.... gimana nih solusinya?? lihat aja di internet, akan tetapi bagi kita-kita yang belum tau seluk beluk internet seperti yang saya alami sendiri kadang nyari sana sini gak ketemu2 film full movie kadang hanya cuplikan, kadang juga harus mbayar....... nah kali ini GFT mau bagi2 link2 film yang ada di youtube barangkali bisa membantu sobat dalam pencarian film yang ada di sana, di download juga bisa akan tetapi di PC atau Laptop sobat harus terintal IDM ( Internet Download Manager ), bagi yang belum punya ya terpaksa hanya bisa nonton langsung di Youtube aja hehehe..... tapi bagi sobat yang kepengen memiliki IDM bisa sobat Download disini... Ok.... langsung menuju TKP tapi sebelumnya saya mohon maaf jika nanti tedapat film2 yang jauh dari harapan atau tidak sesuai etika karena di youtube banyak film2 yang perlu kita sensor secara pribadi.
Koleksi Film Youtube Full Movie selamat menikmati : Jika Sobat ingin nonton langsung di Youtube Klik aja Judulnya.
1. Black Mask : Film mandarin yang dibintangi oleh Jeckie Chan wak seru brooo,,,, bisa sobat tonto langsung di youtobe karena mau di pasang disini gak di izinin oleh orangnya hehehe....

2. Jet Li Contract Killer

3. Kung Fu Tai Chi Masters di bintangi oleh Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh, cs

4. Jet Li Legend of the Red Dragon

5. Jet Li The Evil Cult

6. Shaolin Popey I

7. Shaolin Popey II

8. Shaolin Popey III

9. Delta Force 2

10. Superman: Requiem - Official

11. The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

12. Vampire Hunter

13. Dragonball evolution

14. Dragon Ball Z

15. Tekken

16. The Invincible Iron Man

17. Iron Man Extremis

18. Teken "Animasi"

19. Mortal Kombat

20. Berani Punya Budak "Lokal"

Nah..! sobat ini udah ada 20 Koleksi Film Youtube Full Movie yang ane posting disini saya rasa cukup untuk mengobati kepenatan sobat setelah aktifitas sehari2. kalo masih kurang silahkan sobat cari2 sendiri di Youtube disini hanya memberikan solusi kepada sobat dari pada nyari sana sini film di youtube lumayan kan bisa langsung nonton disini hehe...
Ok... moga bisa menghibur Terimakasih....

Ingin Belajar Bisnis Online....."Disini Tempatnya"

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Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

Ebook Panduan Setting GPRS Akses Internet menggunakan PC

Bagi yang suka ber-internet lewat handhone atau komputer ( handphone
sebagai modem ) mungkin settingan berikut bisa sedikit membantu :

- Setting GPRS and WAP setting

- Setting Modem GPRS dan CDMA

- Ativasi GPRS lewat SMS

- Aktivasi 3G lewat SMS

- Konfigurasi Dial Up Networking

Adapun setting GPRS/Modem operator GSM/CDMA yang di bahas meliputi : Telkom
Flexi Telkomsel (As dan Simpati), Indosat (Mentari, IM3, Starone), Proxl,
Mobile-8 (Fren) dan Bakri Telecom (Esia).

Download : SettingGPRS.doc

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Hingga Batu Bicara

Karya Helvy T. Rossa

"Kau tak akan percaya, tetapi batu-batu ini memang bicara padaku!" Gadis itu berusaha meyakinkanku. "Kau mau tahu apa katanya?"

Aku mengangguk bodoh.

Mata gadis itu berubah liar. Bibirnya melengkung ke bawah. Penuh keyakinan ia berkata, "Mereka, batu-batu itu akan membinasakan kalian, sebagaimana kalian membinasakan bangsa kami!" Ia tertawa-tawa, sambil mengusap batu-batu itu. Makin lama makin keras. Mengikik, menukik-nukik. Menyeramkan. Lalu tiba-tiba dingin. Angin! Tawa itu menjelma angin puyuh yang berputar, terus berputar menggulungku…, lalu menghempaskanku ke sebuah tepian.

Tiba-tiba saja aku telah berada di tempat lain. Sekelilingku gelap. Aku berada dalam lorong panjang yang pekat. Bulu kudukku berdiri. Aku merasakan tangan dan kakiku dingin, namun hawa panas juga menyergapku. Keringat menetes, membasahi baju seragamku......

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Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013

Novel Islami A Thousand Splendid Suns

Penulis: Khaled Hosseini
Novel Versi Digibook

"Hati pria sangat berbeda dengan rahim ibu, Mariam. Rahim tak akan berdarah ataupun melar karena harus menampungmu. Hanya akulah yang kaumiliki di dunia ini, dan kalau aku mati, kau tak akan punya siapa-siapa lagi. Tak akan ada siapa pun yang peduli padamu. Karena kau tidak berarti!"

Kalimat itu sering kali diucapkan ibunya setiap kali Mariam bersikeras ingin berjumpa dengan Jalil, ayah yang tak pernah secara sah mengakuinya sebagai anak. Dan kenekatan Mariam harus dibayarnya dengan sangat mahal. Sepulang menemui Jalil secara diam-diam, Mariam menemukan ibunya tewas gantung diri.

Sontak kehidupan Mariam pun berubah. Sendiri kini dia menapaki hidup. Mengais-ngais cinta di tengah kepahitan sebagai anak haram. Pasrah akan pernikahan yang dipaksakan, menanggung perihnya luka yang disayatkan sang suami. Namun dalam kehampaan dan pudarnya asa, seribu mentari surga muncul di hadapannya.

"...Kisah yang sangat memilukan tentang perjungan perempuan Afghan dalam mengarungi kerasnya hidup..."

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Jumat, 26 Juli 2013

The Lord of the Rings 2 Two Towers

Req Post: Download novel terjemahan
Penulis: J.R.R. Tolkien
Novel versi Pdf

Dua Menara
Akibat serangan pasukan Orc, Rombongan Pembawa Cincin tercerai-berai. Aragorn, Legolas, dan Gimli meneruskan perjalanan ke negeri orang-orang Rohan. Bersama raja Théoden dan pasukannya, mereka menuju Isengard untuk menghadapi Saruman.

Pippin dan Merry tersesat ke hutan Fangorn dan bertemu dengan Treebeard, penjaga pohon tertua yang masih hidup sejak awal terciptanya Dunia Tengah.

Sementara itu, Frodo dan Sam melanjutkan berjalan ke Mordor untuk memusnahkan cincin Sauron. Tapi ada sosok misterius yang senantiasa mengikuti mereka dengan diam-diam, mengintai dengan sabar untuk mendapatkan Cincin itu.

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Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

Sebelum Matahari Mengetuk Pagi

Download novel gratis
Cerita versi pdf
Penulis Leila S.Chudori

“Halimah, ibu pulang besok. Lusa, ajak Rozali ke sini…”
Halimah terperangah. “Bapak mau apa?”

“Bapak mau main catur sama dia. Kamu masak apa saja yang enak. Atur dengan ibu.”

Halimah terdiam. Dia memandang ayahnya. Masih bertanya.
Satimin menghela nafas.

“Tadi Bapak menghadiri pernikahan mas Tara dan mbak Vena. Ramai. Ramai sekali. Bapak menyalami mereka. Dan Bapak bisa melihat mata mas Tara….”

“Kenapa mata mas Tara?”

“Matanya….seperti kehilangan cahaya”

Satimin menggeleng,

‘Bapak tidak mau melihat matamu seperti itu di hari perkawinanmu. Yang namanya pengantin, harus bercahaya…..”

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Rabu, 24 Juli 2013

Dasar dasar Java Mobile

Java Mobile (J2ME) atau singkatan dari Java 2 Mobile Edition meru¬pakan subset dari J2SE (Java 2 Standard Edition), yang artinya Java API (JAPI) yang ada di J2ME sebagian diadopsi dari Java API J2SE.
Jika pada J2SE menggunakan JVM (Java Virtual Machine) sebagai In¬terprenternya, lain halnya pada J2ME yang menggunakan Kilo Virtual Machine (KVM) sebagai Interprenternya.

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Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

Balthasars Odyssey

Nama Tuhan Yang Keseratus
Penulis: Amin Maalouf

Balthasars Odyssey bercerita tentang seorang saudagar kaya asal Gibelet, Libanon. Ia menjual barang-barang antik dan buku-buku langka. Mendekati tahun 1666, dunia pada saat itu diguncang dengan kekhawatiran dan spekulasi akan terjadinya kiamat. Tahun 1666 dihubung-hubungkan dengan 666, yang dipercaya sebagai angka setan. Berlawanan dengan sikap skeptisnya mengenai Tahun Dajjal itu, saat Balthasar menemukan (lalu kemudian kehilangan) buku misterius karya Mazandarani yang digosipkan bisa menjelaskan masa depan, Balthasar bertekad untuk mendapatkan kembali buku itu.

Konstantinopel adalah tujuan mereka. Utusan istana Perancis yang membeli buku yang masih diperdebatkan keberadaannya itu berlayar menuju konstantinopel. Balthasar ditemani dua keponakannya dan satu pegawainya menyusul dengan berkuda. Anggota perjalanan mereka adalah Jaber yang terobsesi akan isu kiamat, Habib yang senang bermain-main dengan perempuan dan Hatem, pegawai Balthasar yang cerdas dan setia.

Di perjalanan mereka bertemu dengan Marta, seorang “janda” yang mencari surat pernyataan bahwa suami yang meninggalkannya telah meninggal hingga ia bisa terbebas dari ipar-iparnya yang semena-mena. Selalu bersama sepanjang waktu, Balthasar dan Marta saling menaruh hati. Gagal mendapatkan buku dan surat pernyataan untuk Marta di Konstantinopel, mereka beranjak pergi ke Smyrna. Catatan tentang Sayyaf, suami Marta tak juga ditemukan. Dari seorang Juru Tulis di Smyrna, Balthasar mendapat informasi bahwa Sayyaf masih hidup, dan berada di Chios. Marta berpaling dan kembali pada suaminya. Nasib Balthasar di ujung tanduk karena ia telah menipu perwira kerajaan demi mendapatkan Marta.

Tapi nyawa Balthasar belum berakhir disitu, dia dideportasi. Digelandang dengan tangan terikat dan ikut berlayar dengan kapal penyelundup.
Lolos dari kematian, Balthasar mendapati dirinya berada di Genoa, negeri leluhurnya. Hanya beberapa bulan disana, ia kembali berlayar ke London, dan disanalah ia mendapatkan kembali buku yang selama ini ia cari. Disana juga ia mendapatkan kehangatan dari seorang penjaga penginapan, Bess.

Kebakaran hebat membuat Balthasar harus kembali berlayar dan meninggalkan Bess. Orang-orang Inggris mencurigai orang asing membakar kota mereka. Balthasar kembali ke Genoa. Dan ramalan kiamat di tahun 1666, tak terbukti.

Download novel gratis Balthasars Odyssey disini...

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Download Novel Princess

Penulis: Jean P. Sasson
Novel Versi Digibook

Putri Sultana benar-benar seorang Putri Saudi yang sangat dekat hubungannya dengan Raja. Ia menjalani hidup yang kontradiktif: dikelilingi perhiasan dan dayang-dayang, namun tak memiliki kebebasan sama sekali. Ia adalah seorang tawanan dalam sangkar emas tanpa hak suara, tanpa kuasa untuk mengendalikan hidupnya sendiri. Takdirnya benar-benar bergantung pada belas kasihan laki-laki dalam keluarganya, ayah, saudara laki-laki, dan suaminya.

Untuk pertama kalinya, perempuan Saudi dari keluarga kerajaan membeberkan kisah nyata yang ada dalam sebuah masyarakat yang tertutup. Putri Sultana membuka tabir yang mengejutkan, tentang kawin paksa, perbudakan seks, dan kebiadaban laki-laki terhadap kaum Hawa. Inilah sebuah kisah nyata yang tak akan pernah Anda lupakan.

Download novelnya disini...

Untuk novel Princess 2, bisa di download novelnya disini...
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Senin, 22 Juli 2013

Download Naruto 497

Resensi Komik naruto indonesia 497: Naruto berjuang menaklukan Rubah ekor 9 yang berada dalam dirinya. Dia bertarung dengan sekuat tenaganya,, dengan sedikit bantuan killer be. tetapi tanda tanda naruto akan kalah oleh rubah itu,. disaat tak terduga munculah sesosok ..........

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Minggu, 21 Juli 2013

Panduan Membuat Antena Wajan Bolic

Kenapa disebut WajanBolic?
  • Wajan : penggorengan, alat dapur buat masak
  • Bolic : parabolic
  • WajanBolic : Antena parabolic yg dibuat dari wajan
Latar Belakang :
  • Untuk meningkatkan jarak jangkauan wireless LAN diperlukan antena eksternal dengan gain yang lebih tinggi dari antenna standard
  • Antena eksternal High Gain harganya relative mahal
  • Banyak barang-barang yang sering dijumpai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat antenna High Gain dengan cara mudah dan biaya ringan
Karena berasal dari wajan maka kesempurnaannya tidak sebanding dg antenna parabolic yg sesungguhnya. Dalam workshop akan dibuat Antena WajanBolic dengan N Connector dan Pigtail dengan pertimbangan :

Karena berupa solid dish maka pengaruh angin cukup besar sehingga memerlukan mounting ke tower yang cukup kuat

Download E-Book

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Sabtu, 20 Juli 2013

Basic of life insurance

What is term life insurance? You have an interest in buying term life insurance, that is why you are reading this article, and you want to know how it really works. Right? Well, there are many types of term life insurance and I am going to give you a brief explanation as to how each one works.

Decreasing Term Life Insurance

Decreasing term life insurance is very popular with home owners and mortgage companies. The homeowners want to know that the mortgage is paid off if they should prematurely die, and the mortgage company want to be assured that they are repaid the money loaned to the homeowner. The face amount of these policies decrease in a uniformed manner each year as the balance owed on the mortgage decreases, and the premium remains level. This is very inexpensive life insurance.

Increasing Premium Term Life Insurance

This is initially the cheapest term life insurance you can buy. The death benefit remains level for the duration, however, the premiums increase every year and as a result this may turn out to be the most expensive term life insurance you can buy. If you should purchase this policy it would be wise to convert to a level plan as quickly as possible.

Download this book
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Jumat, 19 Juli 2013


Hobby makan atau masak dan ingin mencoba sesuatu menu yang baru bagi keluarga Anda ? pastinya asyik nich kumpul makan bersama keluarga,teman,kolega,kerabat. Menu ini bisa jadi menu pilihan bagi cafe atau resto Anda. Slemat mencoba , Menu ini boleh dong dibagi-bagi sebagai gift.
Dikirim oleh : ROOSY R

Link Download :
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12 Kiat Perkawinan Bahagia

Rasanya, tak semua perkawinan berjalan mulus tanpa konflik. Beberapa bahkan mengalami konflik hebat yang berakhir dengan perceraian. Tentu, Anda tak ingin ini menimpa perkawinan Anda, bukan? Nah, agar perkawinan Anda bahagia, simak 12 kiat di bawah:

Bertengkar itu biasa, bahkan bisa menjadi bumbu perkawinan. Namun, tentu tak sembarang bertengkar, melainkan bertengkar secara fair. Bagaimana caranya?
  1. Hindari berteriak, memukul, melemparkan sesuatu, menjerit, saat bertengkar.
  2. Tetap fokus pada satu isu pada saat yang sama.
  3. Beri kesempatan pasangan berpikir dan tidak harus menyelesaikan masalah sekarang juga. Atur waktu jika memang diperlukan, tapi pastikan Anda siap menyelesaikan masalah dengan kepala dingin.
  4. Jangan hanya mendengarkan apa kata pasangan. Cobalah untuk mengerti alasan dan kepedihannya.
  5. Cobalah berempati dan peduli pada pasangan.

Lihat kiat-kiat lainnya di 12 Kiat Perkawinan Bahagia.pdf
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Trik Internet GPRS Gratis

Buku ini kami susun dari hasil googling di internet, berisi beberapa trik koneksi internet gratisan menggunakan modem CDMA maupun GSM. Dari beberapa trik tersebut ada yang masih bisa digunakan dan kemungkinan ada juga yang sudah diblokir oleh pihak provider internetnya. Tapi apa salahnya untuk di coba, sekurang-kurangnya bisa jadi pengalaman berharga buat kita.

Semoga bermanfaat,

Download : Internet-Gratisan.pdf (15.85KB)
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Ebook Kumpulan Rumus Kimia Untuk SMA dan Umum

Book Info
Format : PDF
Language :Bahasa Indonesia
 File Size : 804 KB

Link Download :

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Teknik Membongkar Pertahanan Virus Lokal

Virus komputer bisa diartikan sebagai suatu program komputer biasa. Tetapi memiliki perbedaan yang mendasar dengan program lainnya. Virus dibuat untuk mengubah, memanipulasi bahkan sampai merusak. Virus hanya bekerja apabila program pemicu atau program yang telah terinfeksi dieksekusi.

Untuk dapat memahami lebih jauh tentang pencegahan dan perlindungan dari virus lokal menggunakan visual basic, ada baiknya memahami dulu tentang apa itu virus, bagaimana teknik penyerangannya dan apa saja yang dapat dilakukan virus serta bagian apa saja yang diserang virus.

Download E-book : rekayasavirus.pdf
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Dapat PR dari Mas Maman

Menjelang tahun baru ini aku lembur di kantor. Sambil ngeblog eh kebagian dapat PR dari teman baruku Mas Maman ( Aturannya gini nih :

The rules are simple. Use google image to search the answers to the quetions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 People

dan inilah hasilnya.

1. The Age of Next Birthday
29 tahun. Tidak terasa umurku bertambah sedikit, dan itu menjadi cambuk buat saya agar bisa berbuat lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi. Amin.

2. A Place Id Like to Travel

Tanah Suci Mekkah. Sebagai seorang muslim tentulah sangat menginginkan untuk menyempurnakan rukun islamnya, yaitu naik haji bagi yang mampu. Insya Allah suatu hari saya bisa juga menunaikannya bersama keluarga.

3. A Favourite Place
Pantai. Saat saya berada di pantai, entah kenapa rasanya tenang saat memandanginya.

4. A Favourite Food

Sate. Dari dulu sate merupakan salah satu makanan favoritku, yang penting satenya sate ayam atau satu sapi ya... :)

5. A Favourite Thing

Laptop. Disinilah tempat saya menuangkan isi pikiran saya, melalui laptop saya bisa bekarya, menyelesaikan pekerjaan-pekerjaan saya, dan tentunya meraih penghasilan dari situ.

6. A City I was Born

Makassar. Saya suka kota ini, walaupun belum semegah kota Jakarta tapi banyak hal yang menarik dan tidak ditemukan di kota manapun.

7. A Nickname I Had

AIB. Nama lengkapku Suaib, tapi ada beberapa temanku yang memanggilku dengan nama "AIB". Wah malu juga ya, soalnya aib kan sesuatu yang memalukan buat orang.

8. A Favorite Color

Warna Hitam. Hitam adalah warna yang bermakna ketegasan dan bersifat kuat karena tidak mudah dikotori oleh warna lain.

9. College Major

Kampus Diplomaku. Sebuah kampus yang terletak di salah satu jalan protokol di kotaku. Walaupun ukurannya tidak terlalu besar, tapi orang-orang di dalamnya yang bersahabat membuatku senang menuntut ilmu disana.

10. Name of My Love
Fitri. Adalah nama seorang yang spesial di hatiku. Apalagi baru-baru ini telah melahirkan putraku yang tercinta, jadi tambah sayang rasanya.

11. A Hobby

Jalan-jalan. Berkeliling ke tempat wisata maupun ke desa adalah hobby yang saat ini sudah jarang saya lakukan, mungkin karena kesibukanku akhir-akhir ini.

12. A Bad Habbit

Merokok. Ini adalah salah satu kebiasaan buruk yang beberapa kali coba kuhentikan, tapi sampai saat ini belum bisa saya hilangkan.

13. Wishlist

Mobil BMW. Impian saya yang belum terwujud, tapi saya yakin suatu hari nanti Insya Allah akan kumiliki.

Alhamdulillah akhirnya selesai juga. mudah-mudahan PR-nya dapat nilai yang bagus ya, he he he.
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Buku Tentang Seluk Beluk Jin

Dari segi bahasa Alquran, kata jin terambil dari akar kata yang terdiri dari tiga huruf: jim, nun, nun.

Menurut pakar-pakar bahasa, semua kata yang terdiri dari rangkaian ketiga huruf ini
mengandung makna ketersembunyian atau ketertutupan. Kata janna dalam Alquran surah
Al-Anam ayat 76 berarti menutup. Kebun yang lebat pepohonannya sehingga menutup
pandangan dinamai jannah. Surga juga dinamai jannah karena hingga kini ia masih tersembunyi, tidak terlihat oleh mata. Manusia yang tertutup akalnya (gila) dinamai majnuun, sedangkan bayi yang masih dalam perut ibu karena ketertutupannya oleh perut dinamai janin. Al-junnah adalah perisai karena dia menutupi seseorang dari gangguan orang lain, baik fisik maupun nonfisik.

Orang-orang munafik menjadikan sumpah mereka sebagai junnah demikian Alquran surah
Al-Munafiqun ayat 3, yakni menjadikannya sebagai penutup kesalahan agar mereka terhindar dari kecaman atau sanksi. Kalbu manusia dinamai janaan karena ia dan isi hati tertutup dari pandangan dan pengetahuan. Karena itu pula roh dinamai janaan. Kubur, orang mati, kafan semuanya dapat dilukiskan dengan kata janaan karena ketertutupan dan ketersembunyian yang selalu berkaitan dengannya.

Kata jin pun demikian, ia tersembunyi dan tertutup. Demikian tinjauan kebahasaan. Tetapi, apa makna ketertutupan dan ketersembunyiannya, serta sampai di mana batasnya? Inilah yang menjadi bahasan para pakar dan masyarakat sejak dahulu, bahkan hingga kini.

Download Ebook (175.38 KB)
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Judul eBook: Ebook Panduan Meraup Dollar Gratisan Di INTERNET Khusus
Kategori eBook: eBook Adsense
Isi eBook / Artikel : Silahkan Download Ebook Panduan Cara Meraup Dollar Gratisan Di INTERNET Utk PEMULA.....
Nama : fajar
Link eBook:
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Kamis, 18 Juli 2013

Ebook Membuat Aplikasi Android Sederhana

Book Info
Format : PDF
Language : Bahasa Indonesia
 File Size : 2MB
Link Download :

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Buku Biografi Jokowi Spirit Bantaran Kali Anyar

Sampul buku Jokowi
Sampul buku Jokowi
Buku berjudul Jokowi Spirit Bantaran Kali Anayar patut hadir di ruang baca anda, mempelajari bagaimana kehidupan sosok pemimpin satu ini sepertinya akan menyenangkan, mengistirahatkan kekesalan kita atas berita-berita yang memuat kebobrokan pemimpin bangsa, presiden yang jual citra dan tak berani bertindak tegas. Sosok yang lebih dikenal dengan Jokowi (Joko Widodo) patut untuk disimak.

Buku ini semacam sebuah biografi yang mengutip kehidupan pemimpin yang sederhana namun tegas ini. Riwayat Kehidupan Joko Widodo kecil adalah anak seorang "tukang kayu". Setelah Beliau lulus dari SMA, kemudian melanjutkan kuliah di Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gajah Mada. Setelah lulus kuliah tahun 1985, dirinya merantau ke Aceh dan bekerja di salah satu BUMN.

Kemudian Jokowi kembali ke Solo dan bekerja di Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perkayuan, CV. Roda Jati. Setelah merasa cukup, pada tahun 1998, dirinya berhenti bekerja di CV tersebut dan memulai berbisnis sendiri bermodal dari pengalaman yang pernah ia miliki. Dengan kerja keras, ketekunan dan keuletan, akhirnya Jokowi berhasil mengembangkan bisnisnya dan menjadi seorang eksportir mebel.

Jokowi memutuskan untuk mencalonkan diri sebagai Walikota Solo dengan partai politik PDI Perjuangan sebagai kendaraan politiknya. Di bawah kepemimpinannya, Solo mengalami perubahan yang pesat. Branding untuk kota Solo dilakukan dengan menyetujui slogan Kota Solo yaitu "Solo: The Spirit of Java". Langkah yang dilakukannya cukup progresif untuk ukuran kota-kota di Jawa.

Langkah Jokowi berlanjut dengan keberhasilan Surakarta menjadi tuan rumah Konferensi organisasi tersebut pada bulan Oktober 2008 ini. Pada tahun 2007 Surakarta juga telah menjadi tuan rumah Festival Musik Dunia (FMD) yang diadakan di kompleks Benteng Vastenburg yang terancam digusur untuk dijadikan pusat bisnis dan perbelanjaan. FMD pada tahun 2008 diselenggarakan di komplek Istana Mangkunegaran.

Sikap rendah hati Walikota solo ini tidaklah dibuat-buat. Bagi Masyarakat Solo, Jokowi adalah sosok pemimpin yang sangat peduli dengan kehidupan mereka. Di lorong pasar dan jalan-jalan di Kota Solo, Pak Jokowi sering sekali mengobrol dan mendengarkan keluh kesah rakyat tanpa jarak.

Pria berpostur kurus penyuka nasi kucing yang dulu tinggal di bantaran Kali Anyar ini sangat fenomenal. Perilakunya ngewongke wong - memanusiakan manusia - dan pengayom, membuatnya begitu dicintai oleh masyarakat Solo. Terbukti, setelah sukses memindahkan PKL berjumlah hampir 1000 orang tanpa kekerasan dan penggusuran, lebih dari 90 persen rakyat Solo memilihnya kembali untuk periode kedua.

Menyebut nama Jokowi berarti menyebut nama seorang tokoh pemimpin masa depan yang paling dibutuhkan orang di Republik ini. Tak hanya dari kacamata ketatanegaraan tetapi dari perikehidupan sederhananya itulah yang menjadikannya sebagai harapan terutama di masa sulit seperti saat ini.

Jokowi mengaku bodoh, mengaku tak punya tampang, mengaku tak pantas menjadi pemimpin, dan Jokowi mengaku ini dan itu. Tetapi, dialah orang yang melakukan hal-hal yang tidak umum dilakukan oleh para pemimpin kita, mulai dari tingkat RT hingga Presiden. Buku Jokowi ini menjadi informasi berharga tersendiri di tengah sikap Jokowi yang kerap tidak mau publikasi.

Buku ini pula memotivasi segala lapisan masyarakat: Pertama, bahwa harapan itu masih ada. Kedua, siapa pun para pemimpin itu layak menimba ilmu kepada Jokowi untuk melakukan perubahan penting.

Selamat berburu bukunya dan menikmati :D
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Ebook Nggak Sekedar Ngampus

Book Info
Format :EXE
Language :Bahasa Indonesia
 File Size : 2 MB
Author : Bambang Q Anees
Tahun Terbit :2006
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Ngapain sekolah tinggi kalo toh akhirnya nganggur juga?” Kamu pasti sering denger celoteh tetangga, sodara, temen, atau ortu bilang gitu. Kamu juga tahu, kuliah nggak ngejamin masa depanmu cerah. Karena begitu kamu lulus, belum tentu langsung ngantor dengan salary dan fasilitas yang oke.

Nggak... nggak semudah itu, Man! Yang ada, begitu lulus, kamu malah jadi beban negara dengan bertambahnya pengangguran intelektual. Apalagi, kalo kamu kuliahnya ngasal. Jangan mimpi deh. Kamu ngeraih apa yang kamu mau!

Ubahlah cara pandangmu terhadap kuliah. Rombaklah gaya belajarmu biar kamu nggak sekadar ngampus. Pokoknya, kamu bakal tahu kalo kuliah itu masa pembelajaran hidup dan masa depan.

Buku Nggak Sekedar Ngampus adalah tips-tips yang sangat jitu untuk kamu yang mau kuliah atau sedang kuliah. Bahasa yang digunakan di buku ini gaul bangets, jadi enak membacanya. Silakan didownload.

So, kuliah Nggak Sekadar Ngampus kan?!

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Koleksi Teka Teki Cerita dan SMS Lucu

Koleksi ratusan teka-teki, cerita dan sms lucu, dijamin ketawa deh.

Download E-Book :
- Teka-Teki Lucu = tekateki-lucu.doc
- Cerita Lucu = cerita-lucu.doc
- Sms Lucu = smslucu.rtf
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Ebook Panduan Investasi Emas

 Judul Ebook : Panduan Investasi Emas
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Emas sebagai logam adalah sebuah elemen kimia yang memiliki simbol Au dan nomor atom 79. Sifat kimia dari emas adalah “inert”, artinya emas tidak mudah bereaksi dengan unsur kimia lain. Emas tetap akan berkilau walaupun sekian lama terkubur di dalam tanah atau di dasar lautan. Logam emas mempunyai kegunaan dalam berbagai industri. Tapi penggunaan utamanya adalah sebagai perhiasan dan alat transaksi perdagangan atau mata uang, keduanya merupakan sarana lindung nilai. Emas telah digunakan sebagai mata uang sejak lebih dari 5000 tahun yang lalu. Emas merupakan logam yang mempunyai nilai yang sangat tinggi di semua kebudayaan di dunia, bahkan dalam bentuk mentahnya sekalipun. Di Indonesia terdapat salah satu tambang emas terbesar di dunia, yaitu yang berada di Tembaga Pura, Papua yang dikelola oleh PT. Freeport Indonesia.
Semoga Bermanfaat ebooknya.
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Ebook Spring In London

Book Info
Format :PDF
Language :Bahasa Indonesia(Terjemahan)
 File Size : 662 KB
Author : IlanaTan
Tahun Terbit :2010
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Jo In-Ho (Danny Jo) adalah seorang model yang terkenal di Korea. Di dalam cerita ini dia diminta membintangi video klip music temannya yang bernama Jung Tae-Wo . Ia berprofesi menjadi seorang penyanyi terkenal di Korea. Dalam pembuatan video itu Danny Jo memiliki lawan main yang bernama Naomi Ishida seorang model terkenal di Jepang. Video music itu dibuat di London. Danny Jo merasa Naomi Ishida menjauhinya, hal itu yang membuat Danny Jo penasaran terhadap gadis itu, karena dia merasa tidak pernah berbuat salah kepada gadis itu. Apa yang membuat Naomi menjauhi Danny Jo? Lalu Danny Jo perlahan-lahan mendekati Naomi dengan alasan hanya sebagai teman. Hari demi hari mereka jalani bersama . Dan merekapun merasakan jatuh cinta yang membuat mereka saling membutuhkan satu sama lain. Terkadang Danny Jo merasakan ada masa lalu yang sangat kelam pada diri Naomi, karena Danny Jo suka melihat Naomi yang tiba-tiba ketakutan saat melihat Danny Jo. Kemudian Kim Dong-Min dating, dia adalah teman kakak Danny Jo yang sudah meninggal karena kecelakaan. Kakaknya bernama Jo Seung-Ho. Dengan datangnya Kim Dong-Min semua rahasia yang membuat ketakutan Naomi akhirnya terkuak. Sebenarnya apa hubungan Kim Dong-Min dengan Naomi Ishida?  Apakah ada juga hubungannya dengan Jo Seung-Ho?
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Meraup Dollar Lewat Internet hanya dengan Klik!!

Ebook ini membahas cara memperoleh penghasilan tambahan melalui internet. Panduan yang dijelaskan sangat detil, langkah demi langkah. Sehingga pembaca tinggal mengikuti langkah yang diberikan. Mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan melalui internet saat ini bukan yang mustahil lagi. Apalagi dengan membaca ebook ini, semua terlihat menjadi jelas. Dengan bahasa yang sederhana, sehingga anak kecil pun bisa mengerti apa yang dijelaskan dalam ebook ini. Bukan hal yang sulit lagi, hanya dengan klik bisa ... dst..

Dikirim oleh : Ananto Wiedyandoko
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Ebook Padang Bulan

Book Info :
Penulis : Andrea Hirata
Genre : Novel, Roman, Remaja
Tahun : 2010 - ISBN 978-602-881-109-5
Penerbit : Bentang Pustaka
Bahasa : Indonesia
Format : PDF

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PADANG BULAN menceritakan Enong yang bertekad untuk belajar bahasa Inggris dengan ikut kursus di Tanjong Pandan. Enong tahu, umurnya akan menjadi tantangan paling besar karena dia harus bersaing dengan anak-anak muda.

Sementara itu, Ikal terpukul oleh penolakan ayahnya. Cintanya kepada A Ling sudah bulat, namun ternyata ayahnya menolak mentah-mentah. Sementara, A Ling juga entah di mana. Akibatnya, Ikal merasa otaknya sedikit terganggu dan memutuskan untuk mencari pekerjaan ke Jakarta, menjadi pegawai berseragam yang memiliki uang pensiun seperti yang diinginkan ayah dan ibunya.

Tepat sebelum nakhoda kapal mengangkat sauh, Ikal berubah pikiran. Ada yang belum tuntas ia selesaikan. Ia harus kalahkan Zinar dalam tanding catur!

CINTA DI DALAM GELAS bertutur tentang tugas berat di pundak Ikal. Dia harus membantu Maryamah memenangkan pertandingan catur saat 17 Agustus nanti. Maryamah, yang menyentuh bidak catur saja belum pernah, harus mengalahkan juara catur selama dua tahun berturut-turut yang sekaligus juga mantan suaminya. Namun, lebih dari itu, jenis kelamin Maryamah menjadi tantangan berat untuk bisa mencebur ke dalam pertandingan penuh harkat bagi kaum lelaki ini.

Bagi penonton yang pro maupun kontra, usaha Maryamah jelas sebuah suguhan yang sangat menarik. Begitu pulakah dengan Maryamah?

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Moonlight On Snow Chapter III

A Love Story

New book from Joan Reeves from

Haley wanted to ask Jeff why he waited, but her mouth suddenly seemed as dry as the Sonora Desert. She wet her lips with the tip of her tongue and opened her eyes. The pupils in Jeff’s eyes, already enlarged, dilated even more. Time seemed to stand still. The sound of the storm fell away, leaving only the pounding of the blood in her veins, so hard and urgent that she suspected Jeff could hear it as well.

Slowly, Jeff’s head lowered. Haley’s eyes closed again. She lifted her face, eager for the kiss his eyes promised. When his lips touched hers, a soft sigh of delight escaped her. She gave herself to the kiss. Her hands tangled in his hair; her fingers slid through the dark strands. She pressed closer.

Her response rocked Jeff. Hunger exploded in him. Maybe it was the trusting way Haley reciprocated his embrace. Maybe it was her honesty in accepting his kiss and returning it rather than playing coy. Probably, it was simply the exceptional woman herself. She made him laugh. She challenged him intellectually. She hadnt bored him for even a nano second.

Yet, beneath her genius-level IQ was a vulnerability that made him want to protect her. In every way, she was completely unlike Melissa or any other woman he’d dated. And the way she made him feel when he touched her. He shuddered in response. He wanted to go on kissing her. Forever.

They broke apart, gasping for air. Then hungrily, his lips settled on hers again. He couldn’t get enough of her. Jeff felt like a teenaged boy who’d discovered the joys of making out.

Suddenly, another loud crash intruded, shaking the cabin, and sending them jumping apart.

Though Haley knew the huge boom was another lost tree, she felt as if it had been a warning klaxon to alert her to the emotional danger she was in. Dismayed, she stared at Jeff. What had possess her? She’d fallen for a man she could never have. That thought did more than scare her. It terrified her. Jeff Talent was way out of her league. Why was he kissing her? Plain, old Haley who was all brains and little beauty. Little sex appeal. It had to be the enforced intimacy of their situation. That was the only answer.

Being snowbound with only each other for company had forced them into a closeness that wouldn’t have occurred in other circumstances. That had to be the answer. When the storm was over, Jeff would leave. He probably wouldnt even remember kissing her. She was just a way to pass the time while he was stuck there. That was the bottom line as businessmen like him were fond of saying.

From somewhere deep inside, she rallied her defenses. Haley knew shed get her heart broken if she didn’t take steps to protect herself. She had to put a stop to this, she hesitated. This escalating desire.

Frantically, she brainstormed strategies for keeping away from him. First, she simply couldn’t risk being alone with him. Not because of what he might do, but because of what she might do. She didn’t trust herself not to throw herself at him and demand he finish the interrupted kiss, with the hope that it would lead to something else. The something else made her giddy and colored her face bright red.

"Are you all right?" Jeff asked.

Haley stared at him, wondering at the note of concern in his voice. She didn’t want to be pleased that he sounded concerned. He was a calloused city boy from New York, she reminded herself. She was a botanist more used to research stations in the wilds. Like this one on the western slope of the Bitterroot Mountains. Neither fit into each other’s worlds. She had best remember that in case her hormones combined with her imagination to produce happily ever after fantasies.

"I’m fine. I was just thinking that it’s going to be another long, cold night. I think I should get some firewood in before it gets dark."

"Too late. It’s been dark all day," Jeff said. Though he smiled, his eyes studied her intently.

Haley turned away from his sharp gaze, not wanting him to discern her discomfort. Again, Haley wished she could be like her sister. Courtney would just grab him, kiss him, and shove him into bed.

Bed! If his kiss made her this erratic and emotional then anything beyond that would probably make her world tilt on its axis. Heck! He made the earth move just when he looked deep into her eyes.

"Yes, it’s dark now, that’s true," she babbled. "But I meant real darkness. Sunset. When the sun goes down."

"Right. I know the meaning of sunset."

The easy humor in his voice nearly undid her. For a moment, the intensity of her desire for him nearly undid her. Tears stung her eyes. She grabbed her snow boots and began pulling them on.

"Okay, if you think it’s necessary."

Haley looked up and saw Jeff getting his coat.

"Oh, no, not you. I’ll get the firewood."

"Haley, you can’t go out there alone."

"I can, and I will. You don’t have long johns or even proper gloves or boots," she said, staring pointedly at his black wingtip shoes.

Ruefully, Jeff said, "Surely my fingers and toes won’t freeze in the short time I’m outside."

"Without the right kind of gear, you wouldn’t last two minutes out there. Besides, you’re not used to this climate. Your blood’s thinner than mine, remember?" She forced a grin and walked over to a pine chest in the corner of the cabin. Lifting the lid, she said, "You get to stay inside and be my anchor." She pulled a yellow nylon rope from the chest.

"Are you sure this is necessary? That wind sounds pretty fierce." Jeff frowned, his brow wrinkled with worry, surprising Haley.

"Trust me," she said, with false bravado. "I’m the expert on wilderness survival. If we ever find ourselves stranded in the Big Apple, then you get to be my guide. Here, I’m the boss. Believe me, if the blizzard continues, it’ll be darker than you can believe tonight. And colder."

"It can’t get much colder. I can already see my breath."

"Oh, you’d be surprised how much colder it can get. I just hope the park ranger comes around real soon after the storm is over, or we’re going to have a long cold walk down this mountain."

"Maybe your truck will start."

"Yeah, if a pine as big as Godzilla doesn’t fall on it."

"What about my rental car? It might start."

Haley laughed. "You’re not serious? It would be an absolute miracle if that little tin can you drove up here started. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see. For now, we need to get some firewood while we still can."

"Okay. Let’s get this unpleasantness over with," Jeff said.

"You really do hate this cold weather, don’t you?" Haley asked, pulling on another sweater, her green parka, and then a black ski mask.

"You look ready to knock over a bank," Jeff quipped.

"Maybe if I dont get another research grant, I might have to do that." She got her insulated gloves and laid them on the back of the couch then she tied the rope securely around her middle.

"Okay, your turn." As she secured the other end of the nylon rope around Jeff’s waist, she couldnt help but notice there wasn’t an ounce of fat on his tall frame.

"You know, I was born on the hottest day of summer," Jeff said. "My idea of heaven is a sandy beach in some tropical paradise. Maybe I could show you the pleasures of coconut-scented suntan oil when you’ve had enough of Montana."

His off-hand suggestion startled Haley. Did he mean it? Or was he just making small talk? She didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t used to playing the flirtatious games men and women indulged in so she answered honestly, "I might like that."

She definitely liked the mental picture of him and her, lying on golden sand, while he kneeled over her and lovingly massaged scented oil onto her skin. The fantasy made her feel light-headed, not the way she needed to feel prior to going out into a blizzard.

Haley picked up the coiled length. "When I’m ready to come in, I’ll tug on the rope. All you have to do is stand just inside the door with it cracked only enough to allow the rope to move easily. That way I wont lose my way." She pulled a pair of goggles over her eyes.

"Okay, Gretel. Thats even better than breadcrumbs." His smile changed to a frown. "You be careful out there." Jeff pulled the hood of her parka up, drawing it tight around her face, and fastened the clamp on the drawstring.

His closeness made her breathless. Maybe the cold outside would shock her back to her senses. "Thanks," she whispered.

"No problem. Ready?"

Haley nodded. "Ten minutes should be enough time to get a few armloads of wood. I’ll pile it by the door."

"Okay, but I’m hauling you in when time’s up regardless of how much wood you’ve stacked."

Despite her stance as an expert, Haley had never ventured out into a blizzard before. She had to admit she was a little scared. But she had the gear for this, and Jeff didnt. She took a deep breath. "Okay. Let’s do it."

Jeff opened the door, and Haley stepped out as quickly as she could though it was more like a waddle as bundled in layers as she was. The door closed behind her, leaving her alone in a blinding universe of wind and snow.

The ski mask helped, but icy needles still found their way to her skin. The air seemed to freeze as she breathed in. It was so cold her lungs hurt. For a moment, she marveled at the frozen landscape before her. In the waning light, it looked like an alien frozen planet.

Snowdrifts, level with the porch floor, alarmed her. She hoped they were frozen because if she stepped into one and dropped, shed be buried. She moved as quickly as she could to the end of the porch and gingerly stepped onto a drift. Navigating around them would be impossible. Luckily, the tops had iced over so they were more like moguls on a ski run than banks of powder to impede her progress.

The cold was numbing. The wind-blown snow was more like knife blades than snowflakes. Wind buffeted her, knocking her down as she rounded the corner of the cabin. She landed on her bottom but struggled to her feet as quickly as she could. Haley wiggled her fingers and was disconcerted by the fact that she couldn’t feel them. This was a lot harder than she’d thought it would be. How long had she been gone? Ten seconds? Or ten minutes?

Haley stumbled along to the woodshed, using the side of the cabin as an anchor. The shed was directly opposite the back corner of the cabin so she should be able to find it easily which was a good thing considering the light was fading fast. Damn. She should have attempted this earlier in the day.

Carefully, she inched along, breathing shallowly and testing the next drift before stepping on it. Her progress was painstakingly slow and arduous. She paused to catch her breath, berating herself for not transferring more wood from the shed to the porch in the days prior to the storm. But she’d been too busy feeling alone and sorry for herself.

Her next step broke through the top of a frozen snowdrift. Haley plummeted. Snow and chunks of ice rained down, covering her in a frozen shroud. Smothering her. Fear uncoiled inside her.

Haley gasped for air and found none.


Jeff checked his watch. Only a couple of minutes had passed, but it seemed like an eternity. Mentally, he tried to calculate how long it would take her to cover the distance to the woodshed and back, with a load of wood in her arms. He glanced at his watch again. Had he payed out too much rope when shed left? He tested the yellow nylon. No tension. Wouldnt it be getting tighter as she walked? Worried, he glanced at the sweep hand of his watch, staring at it as it crawled around the gold circle.

A crashing tree branch snapped Haley back to reality. She fought the loose snow over her head and quickly got her face exposed, dragging in a much needed breath that burned all the way to her lungs. Without pausing, she dug through the drift and scrambled her way out. Her teeth chattered uncontrollably, and she couldnt feel her hands. She knew she had to get moving, but she was terrified of falling through another drift.

Praying with every step, she finally reached the corner of the house. The rope tugged sharply against her waist.


With renewed energy, she half-ran, half-stumbled, with her arms outstretched, in the direction of the shed and ran right into it.

Though the small structure was built a foot above ground level, snow had begun to bury it. Haley dug at the mound of snow. Panting with exertion, she managed to uncover the doorway. The exertion sapped her energy even more, but finally she managed to raise the heavy leather flap covering the doorway.

Somehow she managed to load her arms with a half dozen of the split logs. Exhausted and colder than shed ever been in her life, she left the meager shelter and lurched back into the swirling snow and ice.

Suddenly, she realized if anyone saw her stumbling across the snow, theyd probably think she was drunk. Haley giggled. She imagined she looked like a stiff-jointed, drunken robot. The more she thought about it, the funnier she found the image. She laughed so hard, she fell and almost dropped her precious load of wood. Laughing and giggling hysterically, she tried to rise without letting the wood go. Thanks to well-developed leg muscles she managed the task and stood there laughing like a maniac.

Finally, she reached the porch. Jeff opened the door and reached for her. "Get in before youre frozen."

"No," she gasped. "One ... arm load of wood ... isnt enough. Another... ten minutes."

With Jeff still protesting, she dropped the wood next to the door. His face looked grim. She was too tired to argue. She stumbled off the porch.

"Five minutes," Jeff yelled.

Haley moved as quick as she could since she had a path carved out now, but she was exhausted. The laughter had drained her. One more armload of wood. That would hold them. Until tomorrow. Surely the storm would blow itself out by then.

Retracing her steps to the wood shed, she managed to get there without falling this time. She managed to load her arms with the same amount of wood and started back.

Her feet seemed to weigh more with each plodding step. Her arms felt as wooden as the logs she carried. She was so cold. So tired. If she could just rest a moment. Just stand still and lean against the house. Just for a minute. Then shed be able to finish carrying the wood to the porch.

What she really needed was to lay down for a minute or two. The huge snow drifts made her think of down-filled white comforters. Wouldn’t it be nice to curl up under one of them? Tiredly, Haley leaned against the side of the cabin and closed her eyes. There was a tightness around her waist that was painful, but she couldnt figure out what it was. Maybe if she just rested. She leaned against the log wall of the house. Her thoughts drifted off into nothingness.

Bemused, she stared at the graying gloom of the day and thought it was like being inside a television that wasn’t receiving a signal. So that’s why they called it snow on the TV screen, she thought. It was nearly hypnotic, she thought, watching the gray. She closed her eyes to rest them a moment.

Get up, Haley Gant!

Haley blinked. Something dark loomed over her. Her lips felt too frozen to form the question in her head. Then something, some force pulled her upright. Her sluggish brain sent the word to her lips. They formed the name but no sound came forth.


She tried to ask a question, but the wind tore the words from her lips. For a moment, she seemed to hear her father’s voice, shouting, commanding. Just like he’d done that summer at camp when she’d been in the swimming race and had nearly given up because a cramp had hit her.

"No excuses, Haley," Franklin Gant had yelled at her. "Just do it!"

Filled with that memory and encouraged by the man next to her, Haley managed to put one foot before the other and was half dragged, half carried onto the porch.

"Let go of the wood," Jeff shouted.

Haley stared dumbly at him.

"Haley! Drop the wood."

She stared. Finally her brain transferred the message to her arms. She opened them and the wood fell by the door.

It seemed like an eternity later when Jeff shoved her through the cabin door. She fell onto the hardwood floor. Jeff sank down next to her. She felt encased in ice. When she tried to speak, to thank him, her teeth chattered so badly, the words made no sense yet Jeff seemed to understand.

"Youre welcome," he muttered as he fumbled with the knots in the rope, freeing each of them from the yellow nylon loops.

Haley was too tired to help him. Some expert she’d turned out to be. Once out of the blizzard and into shelter, she realized with horror that shed been a hairs breadth away from hypothermia. How long had she been out there, motionless, with her brain starting to shut down? Thank God Jeff hadnt waited to reel her in like a frozen trout.

Haley shuddered. Then the shakes set in. She felt frozen to her very core.

"You all right?" Jeff asked, tugging her to a sitting position, rubbing her arms and legs.

"J--just f--feeling incred–credibly f--foolish," she managed to gasp. "So c--cold. You?"

"Just peachy," he said as he pulled his gloves off and shucked his wingtip shoes. He rubbed his feet which looked fairly bloodless at the moment but which rapidly pinkened. Then he shoved her hood back, whipped off the goggles, the cap, and the ski mask.

Haley took a deep shuddering breath. She shook so hard with the chills that it was agonizing.

"Got to get you warm," Jeff muttered, removing her gloves and her coat before she could blink. An untidy mound of dripping, discarded clothing formed next to them as he divested himself of his coat. "Let’s move over to the fire," he said, pulling her upright.

Compared to the outside, the cabin with its sixteen inch log walls seemed as warm as if it had central heating. Haley allowed herself to be pushed and prodded toward the source of heat. The few steps to the mattress in front of the hearth seemed like a 10K run, she thought, collapsing on it.

Jeff removed her outer clothing, leaving her in the unflattering thermal underwear then he stripped down to a tee shirt and briefs. He tented the blankets over them both as they faced the fire. Then he began rubbing her arms again, then her legs, infusing her with his own warmth. Still she shook like a leaf in the storm.

He lay down and pulled her close, wrapping the blankets carefully around them. He shared his body heat with her, and Haley didn’t even squeak a protest. After several minutes, her body relaxed a bit. The quaking subsided to shivering and after a while that faded.

Haley felt at home in his arms. She could tell by his body’s reaction that he didn’t feel nearly as relaxed as she. Drowsiness crept over her. Exhausted, she could hardly keep her eyes open. "You’re pretty good at shucking clothes and getting a girl in bed," she whispered.

Jeff chuckled. "I owe it all to Jennifer Como and the backseat of my dad’s Chevy."

Surprised, Haley laughed. "You’re terrible." Then suddenly, her laughter changed to a sob as the enormity of what had almost happened hit her.

"Shhh. Ive got you." Jeff held her even tighter. "Go ahead and cry. Its all right." He craned his head to see her better. Tears ran down her reddened cheeks. Her nose was red and running. Yet, to him, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

The surge of adrenalin had ebbed, but he still felt the shock of fear that had filled him when he’d tugged on the rope and got no response. He hadn’t hesitated before plunging into the storm. When he’d seen Haley sitting next to the cabin, with her arms full of wood, he’d thought she’d frozen. She seemed as motionless as a marble statue. His heart had turned over with fear.

"Oh, Haley," he whispered, his hands restless on her back as he sought to reassure himself that she was safe. "I thought I’d lost you," he whispered fiercely. Just holding her wasn’t enough to vanquish the fear he’d felt. He blazed a kiss across her lips.

Haley gasped. His unexpected passion ignited some primeval emotion inside herself. He seemed to know exactly what she needed to chase away the stark fear that had held her in thrall.

Clumsily, she cupped his face with both her hands and kissed him back. "Please," she whispered, moving against him.

It was as if they were one in thought and emotion. Jeff rained kisses onto her face. Haley felt the most delicious warmth curl through her, filling her senses with an excitement that left no room for cold and fear.

Guided by emotions she’d scarcely felt before, she welcomed his passion and responded whole-heartedly to it. Glad to be alive. Glad to be in his arms. Glad for this one night with him.

"Ah, Haley," Jeff breathed against her lips. "What am I going to do with you?"


Silence awoke Haley sometime before dawn. The storm had died. The wind had abated. No icy pellets bombarded the windows. She listened to Jeff’s breathing and smiled. He slept on undisturbed. Shed never forget her night with Jeff. They’d talked until well after midnight. He’d told her how his dedication to work had ruined one relationship after another. She’d told him of how she’d dedicated her life to her research but that she had always longed for more than that.

He’d told her about his parents and about his life growing up with three brothers and a sister. She’d told him, haltingly, of her lonely childhood spent with a father left bitter by his wife’s betrayal.

On and on they’d talked, sharing intimacies. Theyd shared everything except sex. Shed been willing. More than willing, but Jeff was the one who called a halt. Finally, shed fallen asleep in his arms.

Why hadnt they made love? She lay on her side with Jeff spooned to her back and savored his warmth, his closeness and wished it could always be this way. Was it possible to fall in love in a few days time?

Lying curled next to Jeff, she felt a contentment she’d never found anywhere. Not in her work. Not in her other relationships. Jeff’s arms were her refuge. She felt at home. A lump filled her throat painfully. If only she knew how Jeff felt about her. With no storm to imprison them, would he demand her findings about her research and then leave? She felt insecurity sink its claws into her.

A shaft of silvery moonlight peeked through the front windows. Moonlight on snow was a sight worth losing a little sleep. She started to wake Jeff so he could see the simple, elegant beauty that drew her back here time after time. She lay her hand on his cheek, intending to wake him. Just that simple touch made her shiver.

When he turned his face into her palm and kissed her hand, she forgot all about the natural beauty she’d wanted to show him. As he pulled her back into his arms, she prayed that there was something real between them. Something special. She only hoped they had enough time together for him to feel it too.

When she awoke again, bright sunlight streamed through the windows.

"Well, good morning, sleepyhead."

Haley moaned and pulled the covers over her head.

"Uh uh. We’ll have none of that lollygagging in bed."

Then the covers were ripped away.

"Jeff!" Briefly, they engaged in a tug of war for the blanket, but he won.

"All right, all right. I’m up." Haley yawned and stretched.

"And about time too, Dr. Gant. We need to go over your project analysis. Time’s awasting and life’s awaiting."

Haley’s heart turned over at his business-like tone. All her fears intensified. It took forever for her to dress because her hands shook. When she appeared from behind the curtained alcove, Jeff sat at the table with two cups of steaming coffee waiting.

Feeling awkward and uncertain, Haley took her seat at the table and waited.

"Now, before we get started, I want to tell you why I arrived here early," Jeff began.

Haley frowned and cocked her head to the side. "Listen. Do you hear that?"

Jeff frowned. "I don’t hear anything."

"Someones coming." Regret washed over Kaley. She’d lost her opportunity to be alone with Jeff.

"Hey! I do hear something." Jeff jumped up and rushed to the door.

Haley followed in time to see a Snow Cat chug into the clearing and ease up to park near the end of the porch. "It’s the park ranger, but I don’t know the other guy."

"That’s Etienne Roget."

Haley could tell by his tone of voice that Roget was not one of Jeffs friends. "Whos Etienne Roget?"

"I guess you could call him an industrial spy. I’d heard he was after you and your project. Looks like I was right."

Realization dawned on Haley. "I see. So that’s why you’re here early. Afraid I’d tell him about the project I’m working on?"

Jeff flushed. "Not exactly. You hadn’t filed any reports, and I didn’t know if I could trust you. I mean I didnt know you. Then. But I did know how Roget works. You wouldn’t have been the first woman who revealed her secrets to that French Don Juan." He shrugged. "I felt it was in the best interests of the company that I check on you."

"You mean check up on me!" Anger burned through Haleys uncertainties. What a fool she’d been! She felt mortified by every kiss they’d exchanged. He’d been playing her until he got that final report on her project. He wanted to ensure her research went to his company instead of being sold under the table to a higher bidder. Not only did he think she had no scruples about her work, he obviously thought she had none where her personal life was concerned either. Why hadnt he made love to her? Bitterly, she decided he hadnt wanted to go to that trouble when a few kisses and pillow talk would take care of her.

"I’d say you know a little about romancing women too."

Jeff turned and leveled an indignant look at her. "What exactly is that supposed to mean?"

"I think you know very well what it means. You’ve been cozying up to me since you arrived. Kissing me! Complimenting me! Acting as if I had enchanted you."

"I want you. I’ve made no secret of that."

"Ha! You don’t want anything except to protect the interests of EnviroMed. How dare you think I’d sell out when I’ve been hired by your company. At least I have scruples."

Jeffs brows snapped together in a scowl. "And I don’t? Is that what you’re saying?"

"Hey, if the shoe fits!" Haley’s voice rose. "And how dare you try to romance me to protect your lousy company’s interests."

"That’s a rotten thing to say!" Jeff grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her close.

"Let go of me." Haley jerked from his arms. After thirty years of leading a sane, orderly life, she’d fallen head over heels in love with a rotten, manipulative Romeo. Oh, had she been ripe for the picking!

"You can take your silly gloves and your New York overcoat and your dress-for-success wingtip shoes and go back to the city where you belong."

"You honestly believe that nonsense youre babbling? You dont believe me?"

"Why should I? Give me one good reason?"

Jeff stared at her, tempted to give her the reason she asked for. But if she believed he’d shared his soul with her just to keep her loyal to his company, then she’d never believe he’d fallen in love with her.

Loud barking split the tension between them. Haley and Jeff turned as one to gape at their unwelcome foreign visitor who wrestled with an ungainly black bundle.

"What the–?" Jeff broke off.

Haley saw the Frenchman struggling to lift a huge black Labrador retriever from the cab of the Snow Cat. He sat the dog down, and the animal made a beeline for Haley. She didnt know whether to laugh or cry as she stared at the clumsy puppy bounding through the snow,

Somehow, she knew that her big surprise birthday present from Courtney had finally arrived.


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Moonlight On Snow Chapter IV

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Moonlight On Snow Chapter II
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